Differently Wired

Dyslexic/Dyspraxic blogger offering tips & techniques to excel in the workplace

Excelling with neurodiversity

Dyslexia Awareness Week

This week is dyslexia awareness week. As always the British Dyslexia Association is running a programme of events aimed at helping those with dyslexia and at increasing awareness of dyslexia and its many strengths. For the full list of events head over to their page. Some highlights include:

Free Webinar – In Celebration of Dyslexia Awareness Week 2018 Tue 2 October 1930.  This webinar explores why technology can help children and adults with dyslexia through enabling independence. Abi James will introduce some of the common technologies used in schools and the workplace and discuss the best approaches for selecting apps and tools to ensure they are used effectively.

Free Webinar: Dyslexia Friendly Workplace! The British Dyslexia Association’s SMART Award Thur 18 October 1930. This webinar will explore some issues around creating a Dyslexia Friendly working practice and will introduce the BDA’s Dyslexia SMART Award for Organisations. This session will be an opportunity for Jo Gregory to introduce you to a new and exciting award that recognises those organisations with sound inclusive practice and a firm desire to strive to achieve excellence with supportive, enabling practices.  The award is progressive; requiring organisations to meet a set of criteria and to, themselves, set points for action year on year to help further develop support for their colleagues.

And to top it all of BDA are making some of their elearning available for free during the awareness week.  Check out their training page for more info.

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